Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Alhamdulillah...Thanks Umi, Thanks Abah, Thanks everyone...!


Yesterday was my 20th birthday...July 1st 2009...

I had a really warm birthday...Thanks everyone!
I got several presents from my friends...A teddy bear named Oh-chan=P by Farhana, a pyjamas set by Tini, treated with Dunkin Donut by shamilah aka CEO as well as two fun party/gathering at Allen Park and Dunkin Donuts...and warm wishes from family and friends.
To be loved and remembered are really wonderful...and I wish I can return that also with love and ukhwah...Thanks again...

By the way, my brother, Adib had sent me a song titled "Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang". At first, I thought he himself sent that song to me.I was sooo touched that I cried since I dont expect him to actually be so 'romantic' with me...hehe
But about two days later, my mom had called me to wish me personally "Happy 20th Birthday!" and told me that umi was the one who asked adib to download that song and send it to me... was Umi who was being very romantic...hehe...Thnaks umi, Thanks Adib...Thanks Abah, Thanks kak Iman, THanks Iffah and Thnaks Afiq!Thanks everyone!

The link to hear the song "selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang"


basyirah said...

Happy Belated Birthday izzah! sorry lambat wish..
semoge panjang umur, murah rezeki ^_^

n a d y a said...

happy belated birthday izzah! hehe.sory lambat. ttbe terputus dr dunia internet.

emann said...

salam izzah...

msti tulis ni sambil meleleh air mata kan...
iman pun sgt2 tersentuh
sorila kalau iman buat salah selama ni ok...
i love u n our family forever!

mujahidah said...

izzah yang comel dan senantiasa comel......

happy belated birthday..
walaupun ak bukan mak ayah ko.tapi aku terharuuuu dengan kata2 ko...
semoga jadi anak yang solehah....aminnn...termasuklah diri kita juga :)